|| SHREE ||

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K.P. Hora Ratna, Jyotish Vachaspati,                                                                              

(KPSARI, Chennai) KP Astrologer,

3A/24, Srinagarpally, Benachity,

Durgapur - 713 213.

West Bengal, India.

Mobile: +91-7797137777 / 9475358546.


There is often a question which arises in the mind of many or even asked to as who will be a successful astrologer? The answer to the following quarries had been appropriately answered in the following context.

Traditionally there are many slokas and combinations to proclaim the astrologers from the charts but in practice they fail to confirm the truth of the slokas and in fact contradict each other. As such, opinion varies from one to another on the same subject. On the above subject, I repeat what our late Guruji K.S. Krishnamurti had mentioned, with some additional information arrived at during the author’s research along with some views to confirm his findings.

To check up whether one will be a good astrologer or not the horoscope should be cast very correctly.

On traditional method, Moon in cancer makes the native an astrologer. Those born in Sathabisha star or Sukuna karna can learn astrology.

            Saturn and Moon in 1,3,9 or 10 give desire to learn Astrology. Uranus with good aspects with Jupiter makes one a research scholar.

            Mercury forming good aspects with Uranus produces one with deep consideration and ability to Judge properly and interpret correctly.

            Harmonious aspects between Mercury and Moon, show clear exposition, proper wording and intuition.

According to westerners, Uranus gives knowledge in astrology. Good aspects between Jupiter and Mercury is good for study and prediction. Uranus is good for invention and research; as such it is not suited for practical purpose. The Ascendant and the 9th cusp if connected with Saturn and Mars, show that he will be a good astrologer.

According to K.P. the sublord of the Ascendant should be the significator of 9th or 12th  house. The 12th house shows occult science while the 9th shows higher studies of Philosophy, Religion and Astrology etc.

If the lord of 9th is Mercury or Jupiter signifying 2,9,10-11 one will be well versed in Astrology, make further research and bring out new findings.

If the sublord of the 9th is Mercury signifying 9-5-8 the native without any research pretending to know everything of Astrology and his prediction with only a bundle of lies.

To be success in Astrology the sublord of the 9th must be Mercury or Jupiter signifying houses 2-3-5-9-10-11. Such of those natives, whose it may be they will be genius and also popular in the world of Astrology. If connected to 12th house they will make new findings in the science of Astrology.

Besides the above described planetary combinations suitable for a person to be an astrologer one should also have some “Satvik Gun” to be a successful astrologer in life. I have my following observation in this subject which are mentioned below.

Many people think astrology is a techniques and science that do not require any kind of discipline. This notion will never allow them to understand astrology in a deeper sense.

If one wants to become a good astrologer following niyama should be followed.

  • Thank the guru who taught you this science. If you have learnt from books then offer thanks to people who wrote the book. Basically the planet guru will also get activated.

  • Secondly chant navagraha slokam every day, do pooja, light lamp in the temple.

  • Once in a month offer abhisekam for the navagraha.

  • Go to temple and do circumbulation of navagrahas 9 times.

  • Do not speak ill of others. This will reduce the vak siddie.

  • Pray for the welfare of the clients to be successful, happy and peaceful.

  • Pray for astrology as a science to be successful

  • Pray for astrologers to be successful.

  • When you do the reading invoke the navagraha and thank the rishis. This will help you to read the horoscope from the correct angle.


  • Cut the cords from chakra
  • Ground the energy.
  • Thank god and ask sorry for any mistakes you have done.
  • Pull back the aura.
  • Mentally release the predictions of all clients from your mind who have come to you for the reading.
  • Once a week have salt water bath or sea bath. You can also put sambarani in the room.
The trick in astrology is to see from the correct angle from which the horoscope is working. That is why people who do worship of any deity are for more successful than ordinary people. These kind of prayers will clear the third eye clogging which will help to have peaceful mind plus clarity in thinking. Many astrologers feel tired irritated with few readings because of the pranic debris which get collected in the third eye.

The following article have been penned down as my personal observation in my practical life which I hope would definitely benefit the readers having their interest in the field of Astrological studies.



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