How does KP differ from Traditional / Vedic astrology..??


|| SHREE ||

K.P. Hora Ratna, Jyotish Vachaspati,                                                                              
(KPSARI, Chennai) KP Astrologer,
3A/24, Srinagarpally, Benachity,
Durgapur - 713 213.
West Bengal, India.
Mobile: +91-7797137777 / 9475358546.

There are many points of departure and points of differences between the traditional system of astrology and the Krishnamurti Paddhati, which can be considered as differences in the method of offering prediction rather than an entirely different body of astrological knowledge. Krishnamurti Paddhati is basically a unique system of offering accurate predictions, correct up to the nearest minute, for the happening of an event by using certain tools and techniques invented by late Prof. K. S. Krishnamurti that are not to be found in the traditional or Vedic system of astrology. KP is not a different body of astrological knowledge. In other words, in KP we also use the same 9 planets with their same significations. We make use of the same 27 constellations with their natural significations and we use the same Zodiac with its 12 signs from Aries to Pisces with their natural significations. As far as the zodiac and its signs, planets, stars (constellations) and house (or bhavas) are concerned, there is no difference in the way how the traditional astrology and KP considers them for their natural signification.

The astrological attributions and significance of Sun, Moon and all the other planets is the same in KP as it is in Vedic astrology. The astrological signification of the 12 bhavas or houses is the same for KP as it is for the traditional/Vedic system. Therefore, the natural signification of the sign Aries giving a fiery element, portion of the head, body structure etc. are used in the same manner in KP as it is used in traditional astrology. Similarly, the signification of the sixth bhava or house as the house of service, disease, first maternal uncle younger to mother, open enemies, hard work etc. is taken in the same manner in KP astrology as it is in traditional astrology.
Krishnamurti Paddhati (KP) is the advanced version of Traditional/ Vedic astrology having more accuracy and less rules.

There are following major differences as known:
1. Distribution of Cusps is  done as per Placidus System in KP and Traditional  /  Vedic follows house to house system i.e. Sripat  Paddhati.
2. Start of the Cusp is taken as Start point in KP and it is taken as Mid-point in Traditional / Vedic.
3. Aspects are taken degree wise and they are applicable as per orb of individual planet in KP. Traditional / Vedic astrology follows cusp to cusp Aspects.
4. Duration of Year of 365.25 days taken in KP but Traditional / Vedic take it as 360 for easy calculations.
5. Less rules but Traditional / Vedic have lots of rules and books to get accurate prediction.
6. Logical and traditional has lost the accuracy of predictions because of missed data.
7. Ayanansha plays a major role in  accuracy KP  has its own  and single ayanansha but Traditional / Vedic has lots of ayanansha provided by so many astrologers.  Each Ayanansha gives the different values to  Planets and Cusps.
8. Understandability One can learn  KP in very  few months but one cannot learn full traditional astrology in his life.
9. Accuracy Traditional / Vedic astrology cannot pin point the time of fructification but KP can tell the exact time of fructification of the event.
10. House of Father KP treat  9th Cusp  as the House of Father and 10th Cusp for social status/carrier but Traditional/ Vedic take 10th Cusp for Father/social status/carrier.
11. Basics KP follows the rules given by sage Parashar for Vimshottari Dasha/Moon. KP has divided  each planet and cusp  Sign (Dasha)  into Bhukti,  Bhukti  into Antar and  Antar into  Pratyantar in the  same  ratio  as done by sage Parashar in Vimshottari  Dasha. It gives the more accuracy but Traditional / Vedic does not follows so.
12. Navamansha Traditional / Vedic follows  Navamansha  of Moon  Sign only but KP follows  navamansha of Nakshatra of each  Planet and Cusp.
13. Fortuna KP introduced a new fast moving point which can differentiate between two early births as twins, it is known as Fortuna.
14. Mercury Combustion KP says that Mercury never Combust from Sun.
15. Shri K. S. Krishnamurti also provided in his KP astrology a new tool called as the Ruling Planets (RP). These RP act as a divine guidance when the astrologer needs some clarification or confirmation on certain issues that may be impeding him to arrive at a final judgment. These ruling planets are a master key in the technique of KP and one has to become an adept at using these if one wishes to master this system of astrology. The use of RP in applied prediction is multifarious and infinite. The credit of the concept and its utility is solely attributable to the inventor of this system of astrology'Sri K. S. Krishnamurti.
16. Along with RP, Sri K.S. Krishnamurti also provided us with a set of sub numbers from 1 to 249. This set of 1-249 sub numbers has proved to be a very effective tool for analysis of horary or Prashna charts where certain specific queries are to be answered or where the birth time of the native is not known. To satisfy the curiosity of the readers at this point let us briefly say what this 1-249 sub numbers is. These sub numbers are basically the sub-divisions (and therefore, called as 'subs') of each of the 27 star of the zodiac in the proportion of the Vimsottari Dasa system. Traditional astrology however, has no such divisions of the stars of the zodiac.



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