K.P. Astrologer
3A/24, Srinagarpally, Benachity, Durgapur - 713 213.
West Bengal, India.
Mobile: +91-7797137777 / 9475358546.
astrology is universal and successfully predicted the fates of people for
thousands of years. Many people who believe astrology, seriously take into
consideration whether the bride and or groom have any Mangal (Kuja) Dosha
(defective disposition of Mars) in their horoscopes. There other names also as
Bhauma Dosha (Mangal or Mars also known as Bhauma as he is the son of “Bhumi”
that is earth), & finally Mangal Dosha.
This aspect is widely discussed all over India and also by persons of
Indian origin settled abroad. They go to consult astrologers; some astrologers
may not be able to give correct advice due to their lack of depth of knowledge.
Also this problem of Mangal dosha is intricate and requires very careful
assessment. We prepared this article to highlight the concepts properly, so
that the readers are benefited by the clarifications.
Significations of Mars in Vedic Astrology
is described as ‘Senapati’ or commander of forces and therefore signifies
attributes like dare devil spirit, fearlessness, courage, aggression,
boldness, combative and destructive nature. He
gives determination, will power, fighting spirit and strong desire to excel and
succeed in the ventures. Native of Mars Lagna or Rashi is the born leader,
disciplined, passionate, adventurous, ambitions, enthusiastic and generous. A
beneficial Mars can render the native to be a great pioneer, warrior, explorer
or leader. On the other hand an afflicted Mars can make the native a terrorist,
dacoit, unsocial element, impulsive, unruly, jealous, cruel, quarrelsome,
violent and destructive person. He rules over the two sidereal signs of Aries and Scorpio. He is
exalted in Capricorn and fallen in the opposite sign of Cancer. Being lord of 8th
Bhava in ‘Kalpurusha’ horoscope, it signifies external sex organs. Hence an
afflicted Mars can turn the native into a sex maniac, adopting novel ways for
sexual satisfaction without caring for his partner.
While a benefic Mars is symbol of power, vitality, energy,
adventure and determination, a malefic Mars can take the native to the other
extremes. Mars is significator for muscles, skull, bone-marrow, blood, surgery,
accidents, logic, constructed property, chemicals, external sex organs, uterus,
prostate gland, rectum, testicles etc.
The diseases caused by afflicted Mars pertain to inflammatory
problems, ulcers, acidity, acute fevers, smallpox, measles, fistulas, piles,
haemorrhages, abortions, muscular rheumatism, tetanus, blood pressure, ruptures
of blood vessels, polio, and paralysis.
represents summer season, rules over ‘Samveda’, is barren, hot and rules over
fuming acids.
The products represented by Mars include knife, sword, gun and
other combative weapons, wine, tobacco, metallic oxides, walnut, betel nut,
groundnut, ginger, spices, mustard, garlic, pepper, red masoor dal, thorny tree
and plants like lemon tree, poisonous drugs and chemicals, metals like copper
and gold, animals like ram, hunting animal like wolf, tiger, dogs and birds
like hawk, kite, vultures i.e. preying birds.
Aspects :
Apart from 7th,
it has special and full aspects on 4th and 8th places.
Professions indicated by Mars
Risky professions like military, police, security forces, secret
agents, jobs related to production,
electrical power, fire, boilers,
furnaces, jobs using instruments, machines like surgery, hair dresser, black
smith, gold smith, tailor, thief, dacoit, terrorist, slaughter man, professions
related to land (like property dealers),to poisonous matters like drugs and
chemicals, criminal lawyers, management jobs, scientist, politicians etc.
A strong Mars
is lord of ‘Mesh’ and ‘Vrishchika’ (i.e. Aries and Scorpio sign) rashis. Its
exalted or ‘Uchcha’ Rashi is Makar (Capricorn) and Mool Trikon rashi is Mesh.
Its peak exaltation point is 280 in Capricorn and peak Debilitation
or ‘neech’ point is Karka (Cancer) at 280. Mars is strong when it
occupies its exaltation or own sign. It is also strong when it occupies its own
sign in Navamsha (D/9) and Dreshkan (D/3) divisional charts. Being a malefic
planet, it gives good results when positioned in 3rd, 6th
or 11th house of a horoscope.
Mars is strong at night,
in Krishna Paksha and in South direction. Mars gains directional strength in 10th
house. It is a male planet and is pleased when positioned in female signs i.e.
even number rashis.
Natives Governed by Mars
Natives who have their ascendant or Moon rashi of Aries or
Scorpio are generally fair complexioned, have short and muscular body,
sharpness in their eyes, conical faces, ordinary height, beautiful teeth, curly
hair, a scar or mole on the face.
are energetic and quick decision makers, they are persons in hurry, quick
movers, of sharp intellect, highly ambitious and expect results immediately,
self disciplined, good managers and controllers, would like to dominate and
become leaders, courageous fearless, adventurers, powerful but lack stamina to
sustain for long periods, lose temperament easily, are attracted to opposite
sex, progress in life with determination, self confidence and inherent talent.
Gems of Mars
represents Coral (Moonga), Ruby and other red coloured stones or substitutes of
coral. The natives whose ascendant lord is Mars or for whom Mars is a Yogakarak
or benefic planet are advised to wear coral ring, made of gold or copper in
Anamika or Ring finger.
What is Manglik Dosha / Kuja Dosha?
classic says,
“Lagne Byaye Cha Patale Yamitre Cha Astome
Kanya Harati Bhartaram Bharta Bharyam
means that presence of Mars in Lagna, 4th house, 7th house, 12th house or in
8th house results into Kuja Dosha. If the bride has this kind of placement of
Mars in her chart, then she becomes the reason for her husband’s death, while
if the groom has this kind of placement, then he becomes the reason for his
wife’s death.
majority of the astrologers include the 2nd house also in the Mangal Dosha
list. People in whose natal chart Mars is placed in the above positions are
called Mangliks.
Sage Parasara's Explanation:
Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra, chapter 81, verse 47 quotes the following:
"If Mars is placed in the lagna, 12th, 4th, 7th and 8th
houses, without any aspect or conjunction of the benefic planets, then the
husband of such a woman will certainly have an early death."
it is understood that if Mars has an aspect of a benefic or is conjuct with a
benefic, then there is no dosha. In verse 48, he has given the other important
exception as follows:
a woman with the widowhood yoga marries a man with a similar yoga of loss of
spouse, then such yoga will get cancelled."
Hence the second exception
given by him is that Mangal Dosha is cancelled, if both the girl and the boy
have Mangal Dosha.
Misconception about Manglik
Some of the most common misconceptions
about the planet Mars is that if a person is born on a Tuesday, then he is said
to be a Manglik or Mars-dominated native. But it is not true. Another
misconception is "Double Manglik Dosha", which is a term being
used by many astrologers. There is no such term as "Double Manglik
Dosha" , which refers to Mars being in any of the above mentioned houses
and also in its own sign or in exaltation. On the contrary, Mars in own house
or exaltation will considerably reduce the ill effects of the Manglik Dosha.
The most famous misconception about being a Manglik is that if he/she is
married to a non-Manglik, then the spouse is bound to die. The above can be
seen in a few cases, where Mars is severely afflicted; overall strength of the
horoscope also needs to be checked.
The Myths related to the Manglik Dosh are :
1) If one of the
Horoscope of boy or girl has Manglik Dosh the other one will die after marriage.
2) If in the above
case death will not take place there will be lot of problems faced in the
3) If Girl is a Manglik and boy is not a Manglik girl is
inauspicious even to her in-laws. Even one of the in-laws may also die.
According to most of the Astrologers of present times if Mars
occupies 1,2,4,7,8,12 Houses from the Ascendant, Moon or Venus the native is a
Manglik or having Manglik Dosh.
According to them, this is
because if Mars is in
House, this being
natural malefic affects the brain & makes a person aggressive. Lagna or
ascendant denotes health, longevity and personal characteristics. As lagna will
be the 7th (Maraka) house to the 7th which indicates
partner, lagna also indicates (the maraka) or the end of life of the partner.
House, this being
the main house of speech and family, the presence of Mars is not desired here.
The second house denotes the family happiness or otherwise in domestic life,
increase or decrease in the number of members of the family by marriage, by birth
or death of children, etc. Further, second house is the 8th to the 7th
and it shows the danger and the difficulties to the partner.
House, this being
the prime house of home, the fourth house denotes domestic environments. The
sages have declared that evils occupying a sign which is either four or eight
from a Bhava, spoil the Bhava. Hence Mars in 4 is evil to the ascendant, i.e.
to the health and belongings of the native.
House, this being
the prime house of marriage, the seventh house shows the legal bondage and the
wife or the husband, her or his health, longevity of both and also the
characteristics of the partners, whether they will have good understanding
among themselves or not. Hence the position of Mars in 7, is not conducive to
the above benefits.
8th House, the eight house shows the difficulties of the native and
the finance and fortune of the partner, as well as their longevity. Eight house
is called Mangalya Sthana, i.e., the duration of the married life.
more plausible reason is that Mars is a male planet and also represents 8th
house in Kalpurusha horoscope, thus represents the external genitalia i.e. sex
organs, which are vital for physical happiness out of marriage between two
persons. Mars also gives an aggression nature on sexual relation, a quick
reaction in the heat of the moment without weighing all aspects of the
situation, lacking logic and maturity and thus causing immense damage to the
marital relations in seconds while it would have taken a long time to build up
cordial relations among the partners. Mars situated in this house is therefore
12th House,
the twelfth house indicates the bed pleasure which
the partners derive, the deception, the loss, etc. Mars situated in this house
is therefore evil.
In a Horoscope Native
will be considered a Manglik in following cases:
Positions of Mars
from Ascendant discussed above which makes a Native Manglik
Positions of Mars
from Moon discussed above which makes a Native Manglik
Positions of Mars from Venus discussed above which makes a Native Manglik
To conclude
the above statements on Manglik as explained by Astrologers:
A Native is a Manglik If
Mars occupies 1,2,4,7,8,12 Houses from the Ascendant, Moon or Venus i.e. if
Mars is in 6 houses out of 12 houses then a Native is having Manglik Dosh. It
implies that 50% of the population of the world must be Manglik. All positions
are to be seen from Ascendant, Moon & Venus. This means we have to see the
Dosha from three positions therefore there would hardly be a person “Non Manglik” on Earth. Even if a person has been declared a Manglik
Astrologers are not clear, what is going to happen. Mostly the answer is that
the combination is bad. But what bad is going to happen is not known. I have
already said that good and bad or malfeasance and beneficence are comparative
statements. We should know what event is going to happen in various
combinations. Actual problem lies that in delineating a Horoscope Astrologers
consider one factor or the other, that too very broadly & results are
given. Horoscope should be analysed as a
whole not just on the basis of one factor or the other.
“If Mars occupies any of
the 1,2,4,7,8,12 House from the Ascendant then a Native is a Manglik. There are
12 houses in Astrology. This implies 50% people on Earth are Manglik. Same
situation of Mars has to be seen from Moon and Venus also. This implies that 50%
of people in the world are Manglik. The very definition of manglik is strange.”
Cancellations of Mangal Dosha / Kuja Dosha
certain combinations have been found to cancel the Mangal Dosha in the chart
itself. Brihat Jyotish Sara gives us the combination through which we can see
cancellation combination of Kuja Dosha. It reads like this: -
“Yamitre Cha Yada Sourirlagne Ba Hibuke Hathaba
Astome Dwadose Chaiba Bhowma Dosho Na Vidhyate”
It means that if Saturn is located in any of the places as
Lagna, 4th house, 7th house, 8th house, or 12th house (where the native has
already Kuja Dosha my placement of Mars in the said places & is not in good
conditions), then the Kuja Dosha gets cancelled.
Some sages say
that Saturn, Rahu and Ketu conjoining with Mars, or Saturn, aspecting Mars
wards off the evil.
“Guru Mangal
Bhowma Dosha Na Vidhyate”
Hence Jupiter and Mars
within 80 shows no evil through Mars. If Guru occupies the 12th
house to Mars, i.e. if Mars is in the second house counted from Jupiter, there
will be delay in getting married.
“Chandra Mangal Samyogae
Bhowma Dosho Na Vidhyate”
Moon and Mars in one sign
assures that the evil effect on Mars will be nullified.
Mangal Dosha gets cancelled in some special conditions as defined
• When Mars is
in its own sign (Aries, Scorpio), exalted (Capricorn) or in the houses owned by planets considered to be
his friends (Sun, Jupiter, Moon).
• If Mars is in the 2nd house, but in the
signs of Gemini or Virgo.
• If Mars is in the 4th house, but in
Aries or Scorpio.
• If Mars is in the 7th house, but in
Cancer or Capricorn.
• If Mars is in the 8th house, but in
Sagittarius or Pisces.
• If Mars is in the 12th house, but in
Taurus or Libra.
• For Cancer and Leo ascendants, Mars is a
yoga karaka and so no dosha wherever it is placed.
• For Aquarius ascendant, if Mars is in
the 4th or 8th house.
• If benefice Jupiter or Venus occupies
the ascendant.
• If Mars is in conjunction or aspected by
Jupiter or Moon.
• If Mars is in conjunction or aspected by
Sun, Mercury, Saturn or Rahu.
Also Manglik Dosha is
considerably reduced, if Saturn aspects the houses owned by Mars, but subject
to the other planetary positions in the natal chart. Remember that even if a
person has severe Kuja Dosha, after the age of 28, the effects of Mangal Dosha
are reduced.
Remedies for Manglik Dosha
People who are afflicted
with severe Manglik Dosha should marry a person having the same quantum of
Dosha. Also such people should worship Lord Hanuman daily, by reciting Hanuman Chalisa. They
should visit the temple of Lord Hanuman on Tuesdays. Another remedy is to keep
an idol of Kesariya Ganapati (Orange-coloured Ganesha) in the pooja room and
worship Him everyday.
are advised to marry after the age of 28 because the intensity of the dosha
decreases with age.
Mangla Gouri puja and Sita Mata puja should be done to nullify the malefic
effects of Manglik dosha.
No mention of Manglik Dosha
in Classical Books
It would be interesting to note that while many Arista Yogas
have been described in our ancient classical books, there is no mention of
Manglik Dosha. I have failed to find out any malefic yoga by this name or a
similar name in classics viz. Parashar Hora Shashtra, Mansagari Paddhati,
Sarawali, Uttar Kalamrita, Jatak Parijat, Jatak Bharan, Jatak Alankar, Jatak
Tatvam, Vrihajjatak etc.
Therefore it seems that Manglik Dosha is of subsequent origin.
Otherwise also if we refer to Ramayan, Mahabharat or Puranas, nowhere matching
of charts before marriage was described as a condition for an arranged
marriage, only auspicious Muhurta for marriage was given due importance.
There is nothing wrong in
being a Manglik and Mangliks are normal people. Most importantly, Mangliks
should realize that being a Manglik is not a matter to be afraid of; it is not
the end of the world for them. Before marriage, it is essential to match
horoscopes for the same quantum of Kuja Dosha. It is important that the
astrologer analyzing the charts for marriage for a possible Manglik Dosha
should be well-conversant with the intensity of the Manglik Dosha and its
cancellation. He should see the overall strength of the birth chart, rather
than just seeing the position of Mars and predicting that the person is having
a severe Manglik Dosha.
I have
tried my best to conclude about the cause, exceptions, & results of Mangal
and Manglik Dosha through excerpts from the classics & have tried my best
to illustrate with some examples. If this article is lacking in something, then
please let me know & please forgive all shortcomings.
Lord Maha Ganapathi will bless Us.
Good Luck!
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ReplyDeleteManglik non manglik marriage solution - Mangal dosha is one of the major deciding factor in Hindu marriages. A manglik marrying a non-manglik is considered disastrous which can even lead to death of one's partner. Are you manglik and looking for solution? Do you have mangal dosha in your horoscope/kundali? Use our mangal dosha calculator to check the presence of manglik dosh in your birth chart. Vedicastroyug offers all kinds of services and solutions for manglik dosh online in Delhi NCR. For more visit: astrologer in Delhi NCR