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Here is my little tip on the auspicious occasion of “DHANTERAS” , to improve your career and life, see which sign controls the 12th from your Atmakarka in the Navamsa chart. Whatever planet it is, see which deity (God) rules that planet and worship that deity on the day of that planet, your career and life will improve. Atmakarka is the planet with the highest degree in your horoscope, and Navamsa chart is the D9 chart in Jyotish. Rest is up to you to research. If your Atmakaraka is placed in the sign of Aquarius in Navamsa, then 12th from it is Capricorn, which is Saturn, that means you should worship Shiva on Saturday because Saturday is ruled by Saturn. If Venus rules that sign then pray to Goddess Laxami on Friday. Pray to them anytime you do any big event. I pray to this Universe that each and every one of you find your life path and your passion in my presence and bring great and big changes for humanity in your life while finding the utmost happiness. GOOD LUCK..!!

Why is mercury the main karaka of twins?

       Mercury rules the first two hours of the sunrise and last two hours of sunset. If I was to keep you in dark room for a week and bring you out twice in a week in the open, one at 5:30 am and the other 5:30 pm, without a smart phone or watch you would not know if you came out during sunrise or sunset for at least the first 4-5 minutes. Since two phases of the day are identical this is why identical twins are ruled by Mercury. Also you will notice, if one twin loves the sunrise the other will love the sunset time as part of their nature and pleasure. Besides Mercury, Uranus also rules twins.

Kaal Sarpa Yoga – No need to worry..!!

(Courtesy from KP Ezine) Generally KSY is formed when all planets are between Rahu and Ketu. (Ernst Wilhelm: Core Yogas, pages 125-132). It does not need to worry about KSY because of the following reasons: 1) First of all, such Yogas are not generally considered in the KP practice. But a “Kalsarpa Yoga & K.P.” article was published in the K.P. & Astrology Year Book 2002, pages 35-37, without the name of author, mentioning the need of doing exhaustive research work on this yoga. It is said there that whenever such a yoga is present in a horoscope it is assumed that the concerned person is to die early and can survive only if other planetary influences are strong enough. Even if he survives he is to face various strives, suffering, misunderstanding and failure in his life. Rahu is supposed to destroy the matters of the house by his sub lordship. For instance, if Rahu is the cuspal sub lord of 4th house, person cannot have peace and comfort. . . Vehicles, own hous...

Lord Vishnu or Lord Krishna who is supreme?

(Courtesy from Who is prior, Vishnu or Krishna? Most of my friends know that Vishnu and Krishna are names for two distinct manifestations of the same Personality of Godhead. They further know that Vishnu is generally seen as God while Krishna is considered His incarnation. Most dictionaries refer to them in that way, with Vishnu taking the prior position. Consequently, the tradition that considers Krishna and Vishnu supreme is usually referred to as Vaishnavism, as opposed to the less common Krishnaism. The very question of "who came first" is problematic, given that God is beyond time. For this reason, the chicken-or-egg logic simply does not apply. Vishnu and Krishna exist eternally, though it might be said that one is the source of the other, much like the sun and its rays: The sun globe is "prior" in the sense that its rays emanate from it, and not the other way around. But they both exist simultaneously: As soon as there is a sun, there...
|| OM || LORD MAHA GANAPATHI WILL BLESS US..!! WHAT IS A RUDRAKSHA? SHRAVAN: RUDRAKSHA FOR THE AUSPICIOUS MONTH OF HIGH VIBRATIONAL DIVINE BLESSINGS....!! A natural seed, found within the vibrant blue fruit of the evergreen Elaeocarpus ganitrus, Rudraksha is indigenous to the Himalayas across India and Nepal. It also flourishes in other areas of Southeast Asia, where the volcanic soil is conducive to its growth. In Sanskrit, the plural of Rudraksha is Rudraksham. The name literally means “the tears of Shiva”. It is said, while contemplating Man’s suffering, Shiva — the great Mahadeva, the divine gift-giver — unexpectedly began to cry tears of compassion. As his tears fell, he guided them towards Earth and transformed them into seeds…for the benefit of those seeking freedom from suffering and union with the Divine. Shravan is an auspicious month and holiest month in the Hindu calendar, blessed and graced by the ever auspicious lord Shiva. This month is very favoura...

PEPSI IPL T20 Final Match 2014

  ||OM|| LORD MAHA GANAPATHI WILL BLESS US..!! By: PARTHA SARATHI ROUT (SREE RUDRAPRIYO) K.P. Astrologer K.P. Hora Ratna, Jyotish Vachaspati (KPSARI, Chennai), 3A/24, Srinagarpally, Benachity, Durgapur - 713 213. West Bengal, India. Mobile: +91-7797137777 / 9475358546. E-mail:   Question : Will KKR win the IPL T20 Final Match-2014 against KXIP? Query : On behalf of KKR. Horary Question Number : 194 (out of 249) Date & Time of Judgment : 01-06-2014 (Sunday) 7:29:23 Hrs. IST.       Place of Judgment : Durgapur, (Long/ Lat: 23N30, 87E20), West Bengal, India. Ayanamsa : KPNA 23:58:05 Hints: ( As per Nakshatra Chintamani page 155 written by Sh. Chandrakant R. Bhatt)   In cases of competition and contest between two rival parties in any walk of life viz. cricket match etc., if the cuspal sub lord of the 11th (success) and that of the 6th (defeat to the...