PEPSI IPL T20 Final Match 2014

K.P. Astrologer
K.P. Hora Ratna, Jyotish Vachaspati (KPSARI, Chennai),
3A/24, Srinagarpally, Benachity, Durgapur - 713 213.
West Bengal, India.
Mobile: +91-7797137777 / 9475358546.
Question : Will KKR win the IPL T20 Final Match-2014 against KXIP?
Query : On behalf of KKR.
Horary Question Number : 194 (out of 249)
Date & Time of Judgment : 01-06-2014 (Sunday) 7:29:23 Hrs. IST.     
Place of Judgment : Durgapur, (Long/ Lat: 23N30, 87E20), West Bengal, India.
Ayanamsa : KPNA 23:58:05
Hints: (As per Nakshatra Chintamani page 155 written by Sh. Chandrakant R. Bhatt)
In cases of competition and contest between two rival parties in any walk of life viz. cricket match etc., if the cuspal sub lord of the 11th (success) and that of the 6th (defeat to the rival) occupy the house 1, 2, 3, 6, 10 or 11 and be in the star of the occupant of the house 1, 2, 3, 6, 10 or 11, the team under query will win the cricket match. Final result will depend on sub lord of planet.
Moon Reveals the Nature of Query:
Moon is in the star of Jupiter and sub of Mercury. Moon is the occupant of 6 (12th from 7th loss of opponent) owner of 7 (opponent-competition). Star lord Jupiter is occupant of 6, owner of 3 (one’s ability) and 12. Sub lord Mercury is occupant of 5 (sports & games like cricket & entertainment), owner of 6, 9. Mercury is having stellar positional strength i.e. untenanted (there is no planet in the star of Mercury) and the CSL of house 11 (success). Thus Moon signifies and/or in connection with the relevant houses, hence query or urge is genuine.
Different Rules:
1)  Simple calculation method to know the answer- YES or NO (Astro secrets & Krishna-murti Padhdhati Part VI, Ruling Planets, edited by K. Subramaniam, page 130)
Take the horary number within 01 to 249. Divide the same by 12.
(A) If the reminder is 0-2-6-11 - the answer is YES.
(B) If the reminder is 1-3-7-9 - the result is LATE.
(C) If the reminder is 4-5-8-10 - the answer is NO.
2)  Principles of cuspal analysis in K.P. horary method
3)  To know the accuracy of our prediction in practice we see whether the 3rd cusp sub lord of the chart we are predicting gets connected with the 7th cusp star lord or sub lord either by aspect or conjunction or in any manner.
Analysis of the Horary Chart:
1)     As per simple calculation method
The horary number is 194. When it is divided by 12 the reminder arrived is 2 (Two). So the answer is YES.
2)      As per cuspal analysis
Note: To win in any sports competition and contest 11 & 6th cups are judged primarily, while 1 (self-efforts for wining), 3 (one’s ability) and 10 (position) should be considered as supportive houses.
Cuspal analysis for Kolkata Knight Riders:
11th Cusp. (Scorpio 17-7):
The sub lord of 11th cusps is Mercury is in star and sub of Rahu. Mercury is the occupant of 5 owner of 6, 9. Mercury is having stellar positional strength i.e. untenanted (there is no planet in the star of Mercury) and the CSL of house 11, Mercury  is also in very close conjunction with 6th cusp. Star lord Rahu is the occupant of 9. Rahu conjoined with Saturn and thus acts as an agent of Saturn. Saturn is the occupant of 10 and owner of 1 and 2. Rahu posited in Libra sign and thus Rahu represent Venus. Venus is the occupant of 3 owner of 5 and 10. Rahu aspect 6th & 2nd cusps by his 5th & 9th aspect. So KKR 11th cups sub lord Mercury is the significator of 6, 11 and connected with 1, 2, 3, 6, 10 and 11. Thus 11th cusp sub lord, its star lord and its sub lord, all three are favourable to KKR.
6th Cusp (Gemini 11-16):
The sub lord of 6th cusp Saturn is having PS (untenanted) is in star of Jupiter and sub of Mercury. Saturn is the occupant of 10 owner of 1, 2. Star lord Jupiter is the occupant of 6 owner of 3, 12. Sub lord Mercury is the occupant of 5 owner of 6, 9. Mercury is having stellar positional strength i.e. untenanted (there is no planet in the star of Mercury) and the CSL of house 11, Mercury  is also in very close conjunction with 6th cusp. So 6th cusp sub lord of KKR is the significator of 1, 2, 3, 6 and 10 and connected with 6, 11. Thus 6th cusp sub lord, its star lord and its sub lord, all three are favourable to KKR.
3rd Cusp (Pisces 21-0):
The sub lord of 3rd cusp Venus is having PS (untenanted) is in star of Ketu and sub of Saturn. Venus is the occupant of 3 owner of 5, 10. Star lord Ketu is the occupant of 3, Ketu posited in Aries sign and thus Ketu represent Mars. Mars is the occupant of 8 owner of 4, 11. Sub lord Saturn is the occupant of 10 owner of 1, 2. So KKR 3rd cusp sub lord Venus is the significator of 3, 10 and connected with 1, 2, 10 and 11. Thus 3rd cusp sub lord of KKR and its sub lord is favourable to KKR.
1st Cusp (Capricorn 7-46):
The sub lord of 1st cusp is Venus has already been discussed in above. Thus 1st cusp sub lord of KKR and its sub lord is favourable to KKR.
Cuspal analysis for Kings XI Punjab (Rotated Chart-VII house as Asc.):
11th Cusp (Taurus 16-33):
The sub lord of 11th cusp Saturn is having PS (untenanted) is the occupant of 4 and owner of  7, 8. It is in the star of Jupiter, occupant of the 12 owner of 6, 9 and it is in the sub of Mercury is having (untenanted) is the occupant of 11 and owner of 3, 12.  Mercury is also in very close conjunction with 12th cusp. So KXIP 11th cusp sub lord Saturn is the significator of 4, 7, 8 and12 and connected with 3, 11, 12. Thus 11th cusp sub lord, its star lord and its sub lord, all three are unfavourable to KXIP.
6th Cusp (Sagittarius 11-16):
The sub lord of 6th cusp is Saturn has already been discussed above. Thus 6th cusp sub lord, its star lord and its sub lord, all three are unfavourable to KXIP.
3rd Cusp (Virgo 21-0):
The sub lord of 3rd cusp Venus is having PS (untenanted) is in star of Ketu and sub of Saturn. Venus is the occupant of 9 owner of 4, 11. Star lord Ketu is the occupant of 9. Sub lord Saturn is the occupant of 4 owner of 7, 8. So KXIP 3rd cusp sub lord Venus is the significator of 9 and connected with 4, 7, 8 and 9. Thus 3rd cusp sub lord, its star lord and its sub lord, all three are unfavourable to KXIP.
1st Cusp (Cancer 7-46):
The sub lord of 1st cusp is Ketu is in star of Ketu (self) and sub of Sun. Planet and its star lord Ketu is the occupant of 9. Sub lord Sun is the occupant of 10 owner of 2. So KXIP 1st cusp sub lord Ketu is the significator of 9 and connected with 10, 2. Thus 1st cusp sub lord, its star lord are unfavourable to KXIP but its sub lord was neutral to KXIP.
The above analysis between KKR and KXIP has been judged on the basis of the following Golden Rules of KP Astrology, mainly KP Stellar Theory of Starlord versus Sublord.
 ·     Planet is the source of a result, Constellation is the nature of the result and Sub is the final deciding factor of a result.
·     If Starlord is benefic and Sublord is also benefic, then the native enjoys.
·     If Starlord is malefic and Sublord is also malefic, then the native suffers.
·     If Starlord is benefic and Sublord is malefic, then apparently it may seem that the event is going to take place, but eventually it will be hold.
     If Starlord is malefic and Sublord is benefic, then after some obstacles or hindrances, the event will take place.
Dasa analysis:
The period running at the time of judgment was- Jupiter dasa, Mercury bhukthi,
Ketu anthara and Venus sookshma.
Dasa lord is Jupiter signifies 6, 12, 3. Bhukthi lord Mercury (untenanted) was in very close conjunction with 6th cusp and CSL of 11th cusp and that’s-why Mercury will predominantly give the result of the 6th  & 11th cusp, so Mercury signifies 9, 5, 6 and 11. Antara lord Ketu signifies 3. Sookshma lord Venus (untenanted) signifies 3, 5, 10 and CSL of 1. Since DBAS lords  signifies positive houses 1, 3, 6, 10 and 11, and also siginifies negative houses 12, 9 and 5, therefore we come to the final conclusion which made KKR won the match by a narrow margin only through a contesting match.
3)  Accuracy of the prediction
Here in the chart, 3rd cusp sub lord is Venus is in the star of Ketu and sub of Saturn. The star lord and sub lord of 7th cusp is Saturn and Ketu respectively, thus 3rd cusp sub lord Venus is also connected to 7th cusp.
My Opinion: Kolkata Knight Riders will win the IPL T20 Final Match-2014 with tough fight.
Actual fact: The Prediction comes correct. Kolkata Knight Riders won the IPL T20 Final Match-2014 with tough fight.
The above analysis clearly speaks about the simplicity, clarity and brevity of the K.P. rules in arriving at the solution to the problem. My heart bows with all the humility in expressing my sincere thanks and pranam to our great Guru and master of astrology Prof. K.S. Krishnamuthy Ji founder of K.P. system and Shri Chandrakant R. Bhatt, for their noble contribution to the sub lord theory.


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