|| OM ||


A natural seed, found within the vibrant blue fruit of the evergreen Elaeocarpus ganitrus, Rudraksha is indigenous to the Himalayas across India and Nepal. It also flourishes in other areas of Southeast Asia, where the volcanic soil is conducive to its growth.

In Sanskrit, the plural of Rudraksha is Rudraksham. The name literally means “the tears of Shiva”. It is said, while contemplating Man’s suffering, Shiva — the great Mahadeva, the divine gift-giver — unexpectedly began to cry tears of compassion. As his tears fell, he guided them towards Earth and transformed them into seeds…for the benefit of those seeking freedom from suffering and union with the Divine.

Shravan is an auspicious month and holiest month in the Hindu calendar, blessed and graced by the ever auspicious lord Shiva. This month is very favourable for those who seek the choicest of blessings from lord Shiva. Lord Shiva, an immortal took a form to become the reason for existence. The beats of his damaroo, created vibrations that ensured that everything that was created, moved and vibrated. Shiva further chose to reside in the sounds of the universe. His divine existence could be felt in the sound of waves, temple bells, claps of thunder, musical instruments, chirping of birds and in rhythmic heart beats. “Om” the seed sound or the primal sound of the universe connects the soul to the energy of this immortal that was shapeless, formless and supreme. Feeling the vibration of Om is actually receiving blessings from lord Shiva at the deepest level of existence and awareness.

Rudraksha is a sacred seed that is created in the likeliness of its co creator; lord Shiva the ultimate destroyer of evil. Shastraas further state that when a Rudraksha is worn close to the heart, the entire body is attuned to the sacred Om. In Shravan when a Rudraksha is worn close to the heart, it connects the hearts desires to divine will in order to draw in a shower of resplendent blessings. Shiva resides in Om, Rudraksha and faith. Rudraksha exist from 1 to 21 mukhis and can be worn individually or in combinations.

A person who wears the right Rudraksha in Shravan will live completely to experience this as per ancient texts.
Within the community of saints, Rudraksham are sacred power objects, which possess the power to positively influence and protect every aspect and expression of your life and soul as you walk the path to your Immortal Enlightenment. Yet, to express their full divine potential, their power must be activated through specific spiritual processes.

Otherwise, it will remain virtually dormant in these natural ‘holy’ objects. The knowledge of how to bless/activate them properly, as well as the many uses of both natural & super-natural sacred power objects, are part of the soul sciences of ancient India, first recorded in palm leaf books 3000 years ago. Here and now, we offer you the authentic fruits of this knowledge and the power of these sacred objects for your supreme health and happiness.

Rudraksha beads are widely used in Ayurveda to cure several diseases. Rudraksha Therapy is a very effective way to aid in curing diseases and is proved to be better than crystal or magnetic therapy.

In recent years, studies show that wearing Rudraksha beads combats the effects of stress, including hypertension, depression, and high blood pressure without the harmful and often addictive side-effects of tranquilizers, anti-depressants, and beta-blockers. Studies show that men and women experience heightened energy levels, stamina, and peace of mind within a few hours of placing Rudraksha beads in direct contact of their chest region.  In the long term, Rudraksha beads have been shown to reverse the effects of stress, alleviate depression, eliminate anxiety and other mood disorders, as well as improve concentration, enhance relaxation and exhibit anti-aging properties.


1.   Rudraksham change the karma of the wearer, leading a person naturally to the right path of truth and purpose, making the pace along the path quicker and progress easier.

2.   Rudraksham are effective in controlling stress, thus help in eradicating worries and blessing the wearer with greater peace of mind. In over 6,500 years of documented use, Rudraksham have been shown to produce no negative side effects.

3.   Rudraksham bring clarity, sharpen the mind, and increase the power of Intuition.

4.   Rudraksham create powerful “protection circles” from negativity and remove obstacles along the path to your success.

5.   Rudraksham charge the soul with shakti (spiritual power), increasing the soul’s own radiance and its ability to more fully express its divine power & wisdom in the material world.

6.   Rudraksham create a more intimate connection with the positive forces in nature and the cosmos, help to heal the vital energies and bring them into harmonious balance.

7.   Rudraksha are scientifically proven to have many health benefits.

Please follow our blogs & post in the month of Shravan as various secrets of the mystical lord Shiva and his Rudraksha unfold gently to help you tap into his infinite blessings.

Rituals to following Shravan Month

1.   Offering milk to lord Shiva in Shravan Month leads one to earn a lot of punyas.

2.   Wear Rudraksha and use it for japas.

3.   Bhibhuti is considered very important if offered to lord Shiva. Some of it should be smeared on the forehead as well.

4.   Offer panchamrit (a mixture of milk, curd, butter or ghee, honey and jaggery) and bael leaves to Shiva linga.

5.   Chant the shiva chalisa and perform regular aarti of lord Shiva.

6.   Chanting the Mahamritunjay mantra is very auspicious.

7.   Fast on all Shravan Somvars. This is important for young women seeking good husbands.

8.   A person should recite Maha Mrityunjay Mantra for as many times as possible.

Maha Mrityunjay Mantra :

   " Om Traymbakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushti Vardhanam

     Urwarukmivbandhanaan Mrityormuksheey Maamritaat"

Thanks & regards

Partha Sarathi Rout (Sree Rudrapriyo)
K.P. Astrologer
K.P. Hora Ratna, Jyotish Vachaspati (KPSARI-Chennai)
Durgapur, W.B., India

Good Luck..!!


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