Q.-Will the
Indian government extend the lockdown stage 2.0 after May 3, 2020?, if so, for
how long?
Note: India’s Coronavirus
lockdown stage 2.0 has been extended until May 3, 2020, which Prime Minister
Narendra Modi said in an address to the nation. Modi Ji also said that “We will
have to keep a close and strict watch on the places which run the risk of
becoming hot-spots. The creation of new hot-spots will further challenge our
hard work and penance”.
Amid rising Coronavirus
cases in the National Capital along with Maharashtra and recently in Gujarat a
top official in the Delhi government's COVID-19 committee suggested that the
ongoing lockdown will have to be continued for the pandemic curve to flatten.
However the government of India has not been officially announced or
decided to the further extension of lockdown. The only reflection in my mind
was whether the government would exit the lockdown after 3rd May 2020 or extend
it further. To get the answer of my reflection, I prayed to Lord Maha Ganapathy
and my Gurus and casted a KP Prashna Chart. The details are as follows:
Horary Details:
Question of the Querent: Own
self (Partha S. Rout).
Name of the Querent: Will
the Indian government extend the lockdown stage 2.0 after May 3, 2020? if so,
for how long?
Horary Seed Number: 118
Time of Judgement: 25-04-2020
(Saturday), 17:51:28 Hrs. (IST).
Place of Judgement:
Durgapur, (Lat/ Long: 23N30, 87E20)
Ayanamsa: KPNA 24°:03':02"
Moon reveals the nature of query:
Moon is in the star of Sun and sub of Venus. Moon is the
occupant of 8 bhava, Moon is straight way reflecting the 8th house of self
quarantine/ lockdown, querent wants to know the future of the lockdown stage
2.0 and afterwards. Moon owned 11 bhava means to get the right answer of his
query raised by own self. Moon conjoined with Venus posited in 9 (National
affairs) and owner of 2 (life with family members) think about the time he will
have to spend with their family members in upcoming days. Both Moon and Venus
are strongly aspected by Jupiter posited in 4 (residence). Starlod Sun is the
occupant of 7 (social bondage) and owner of 12 (limitation and restrictions).
Sublord Venus as discussed above. So, here the question is fully reflected by
Moon, signifies the relevant houses. Hence query or urge is genuine.
Amid rising Coronavirus cases in India is still increasing
rapidly. At present the people of our country are going through a deep health
and economical crisis due to fighting to the death toll of Coronavirus. Knowing
that such strange situation, I had taken an initiative to find out, what the
future of lockdown will be. Let it try to find out:
In respect of this KP Prashna chart 8 bhava indicate custody,
and we all are in self-custody (quarantine mode) for the protection from
Covid-19. Similarly 12 bhava represent limitation and restriction of the
masses. We have to understand wise manner that we have not to discuss about
imprisonment. 8 and 12 houses indicate custody and the imprisonment
respectively. Is it not? Unless the 3rd house operates imprisonment will never
take place. Imprisonment or confinement in prison means you leave your
permanent place of residence (4th) and you make a short journey. Therefore 3, 8
and 12 indicate imprisonment, but here we have to stay inside our home with
family members. So the role of 3rd house in respect of this query is absolutely
meaningless. Detention in one/ peoples won house is judge from the houses 4, 8
and 12. So, I took it decision that I am going to with the 8th CSL as the prime
cusp. So the rule is:
Rule for Judgement: If the 8th CSL
signifies 4 (residence), 8 (self-custody/ quarantine/ lockdown) and 12
(limitation and restrictions of masses) then the lockdown will be definitely
The above discussed rule can be cross verified with 12th CSL also as a supportive
indication of limitation and restrictions of masses in respect of the country.
based on KP Horary principles:
In this chart under discussion Lagna falls in Virgo at 19°-40’,
an earthy sign as well as the 6th house of the natural zodiac. Lagna lord
Mercury (repetition) is conjunct with Sun (Government) in 7th (Mix up freely in
society) owned by 12th (limitation and restrictions masses) bhava in Aries a
movable sign. Further, both Sun and Mercury are aspected by 8th lord Mars’s
strong 4th house aspect. Mars denotes (Administration/Authority/ Police)
conjoined with Jupiter (Jeeva-self/ Law and order) and Saturn (Disciplined/
Strict, Punishment & Justice). However both Jupiter (Life process) and
Saturn (Partially) are posited in 4th bhava pertaining to residence. Thus, I
thought that the answer to my query seems to be affirmative, but before
reaching the conclusions, I still want to see the horoscope in dipper meaning.
Let us now look at the Horoscope which is based on the KP horary
number 118.
Cusp (Aries 18°-41’): The sublord of the 8th cusp Rahu
is in the star of Rahu and also sub of Rahu.
Planet, Star
and Sub- Rahu
is the occupant of 9 (Relegious affaris/ Condition of law and
dharma in the nation) bhava. Rahu being self star is having stellar positional
strength i.e. untenanted (there is no planet in the stars of Rahu) and the CSL
of 4, 8 houses. Whether the 4 and 8 houses are tenanted or not, but
Rahu (considered nodes are stronger than planets) must be predominantly giving
the results of the 4 (graveyard) and 8 (death toll/ it is one of the Dusthanas)
houses when Rahu DBA will be operating.
Rahu posited in Gemini thus represent Mercury and we have
already done the readings of the Mercury and once again the same stories are
repeated hence extension of Lockdown is indicated in this horoscope.
Duration of the lockdown stage is long or short is to be
determined by the current DBA lords. Duration is long if the DBA shows 4, 8 and
12 .Because the person (own self) asked how long can it be. So this is the rule
to follow.
Significators of 4, 8 & 12 houses in respect to A, B, C
& D:
A = Planets in
Occupant’s Stars
B = Occupant of
C = Planets in
Owner’s Stars
D = House Owner
Jupiter, Saturn
Moon, Jup, Sat
significators of 4, 8 & 12 are:
Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. Here Rahu is the strong
significator of 4 & 8 houses, as because Rahu (node) is being untenanted is
the CSL of 4 and 8 cusps.
I would like to stress the point
here that only after this stage of the examination is reached; we will have to
seek the help of the Ruling Planets.
Ruling Planets (25-04-2020, 17:51:28 Hrs.,
Durgapur - 23N30, 87E20, West Bengal)
(Libra 09°-17”)
Venus –
Rahu – Jupiter
(Taurus 08°-30”)
Venus – Sun
– Venus
Day Lord (Saturday)
fruitful (common) planets amongst the 5, 8, 12 significators and the ruling
planets at the time of judgment are: Sun,
Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Rahu.
Rulers (DBA):
Present Dasa Lord: Sun (from 25-04-2020 to 27-12-2020)
Sun is a fruitful (common) planet; hence Sun Dasha is taken into consideration.
Present Bhukti Lord: Venus (from 25-04-2020 to 27-12-2020)
Venus is a fruitful (common) planet; hence Venus Bhukti is taken into consideration.
Current Antara Lord: Mars (from 25-04-2020 to 07-05-2020)
Mars is not a fruitful (common) planet; hence we should not take Mars into consideration.
But in this stage we have to take Mars for adversity.
Antara Lord Mars is in the self star and self sub respectively, Mars signifies
3 (short journey/ correspondence), 5 (society/ free will) and 8 (lockdown) and connected to
10th house of Government. As Sun (Ministerial) along with Mercury (repetition/messenger)
are posited in fiery sign (Hot spot zone) Aries, aspected by Mars (Bold decision). All these
indicate that the government should take bold decision regarding lockdown situation.
Next Antara Lord: Rahu (from 15-05-2020 to 30-06-2020)
Rahu is a fruitful (common/ wild-card entry) planet; hence Rahu Bhukti is taken into
consideration for deeper meaning. Rahu is in the star and sub of Rahu (self), even Rahu signify
9 and strongly connected with the houses 4, 8 & 12 as discussed earlier. Further Rahu is the
core planet of Muslim community and if we carefully observed the Horoscope we will see that
both 4th & 8th CSL Rahu posited in 9 (Relegious affaris/ Condition of law and dharma in the
nation). However the holy month of Ramadan has begun in the evening of Thursday, April 23,
2020 and will end in the evening of Saturday, May 23, 2020. The final evening of Ramadan
consists of a celebration of Islam community called Eid ul-Fitr, when the traditional month-long
fast is ended with a feast. So, the government must take some initiatives to prevent any
untoward incidents during this holy festival season. Perhaps the government will extend the
Covid-19 lockdown stages 2.0 after May 3, 2020 along with giving relaxation in some
areas around May 22, 2020 until the DBAS of Sun-Venus-Rahu-Jupiter.
From May 15, 2020 onwards Jupiter turned around in retrograde
motion along with Saturn. As per KP Prashna chart, at that time Rahu antara
will be operating. In Astrology Rahu is the karaka planet of Virus, bacteria,
infections and vast growth. Similarly Rahu having no physical form, it has the capacity
to eclipse other physical bodies. It is therefore assigned with dangers, diseases,
it moves in opposite direction to other moving bodies. Therefore, it signifies unethical
actions. Due to its unique qualities, it is attributed as foreign in nature.
Its placement is an obstruction to Jupiter Jeeva to enter earth. Therefore, it
is assigned with signification of death. So, retrograde Jupiter (Life/Jeeva)
seems to be weak along with retrograde Saturn (misery) and Mars (Physical
body/Yama) all are under the clutches of Rahu (Mouth of Maha Kala/ dense
darkness) and Ketu (Mahasamadhi). The nodal axis cuts across key planets Jup,
Sat, Mars and Sun. So maybe this relaxation is going to be a wrong move by the
Indian government.
The reason for saying this is that, as per KP Prashna chart Rahu
antara will commenced from May 15, 2020 and it will extends upto 30.06.2020.
Rahu never gives the light of hope, so needless to say what deadly is Rahu’s
Concluding point/ My opinion: The above said
calculations clearly show that, the government of India compelled to extends
the COVID-19 lockdown stages until June 30, 2020 due to nodal effects. Similarly
due to Mercury (repetition) effect it doesn’t have to be continuous, it has to
be repeated till the above said period.
“I am predicting
but, God knows everything.”
Good Luck.!!
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