|| OM SHREE HARI || WHERE TO WEAR GOLD AND SILVER ============================ Jupiter is exalted in fourth house of natural zodiac (in Cancer). Venus is debilitated in sixth house of natural zodiac (in Virgo). Fourth house signifies Chest of the human body and sixth house signifies lower abdomen of the human body. Jupiter is debilitated in tenth house of natural zodiac (in Capricorn) Venus is Exalted in twelfth house of natural zodiac (in Pisces) Tenth house signifies knee of the human body and twelfth house signifies feet of the human body. Jupiter is significator of gold metal and Venus is significator for Silver metal. Chest and lower abdomen are located above the hip.Jupiter is exalted and Venus is debilitated above the hip level. Therefore golden ornaments to be worn above hip, but silver ornaments should not be worn above hip. Knee and feet are located below the hip. Jupiter is debilitated and Venus is exalted below hip level. The...