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Q.-Will I get property inheritance form parents?

Ans: Based on Bhrigu Nandi Nadi Principles:

Significator of Mother Moon is posited in Simha (East) and significator of Father Ravi is posited in Tula (West). In between them (father & mother) in south Guru and Sukra are posited. Exalted Kuja is posited in 5th Makara (South) to his Guru+Sukra combination. With this reason, Guru+Sukra+Kuja are posited in between the significator of father and mother i.e. in 11th to the Moon and in 12 to the Ravi, the planets responsible for Money, Land and profit are posited, the native will inherit the parent’s property. Sometimes, there would be litigations but still it will be beneficial.

It should be understood that as the plants Kuja+Sukra+Guru are posited behind the father Ravi in south, it amounts that the wealth is earned by father. These planets are posited in 2nd to Moon the mother. Sani is posited in Mesha (East). The 2nd house to East is South, with this reason the native will inherit the parents’ property.

With regards,

Partha S. Rout
K.P. & Nadi Astrologer
Cont: 7797137777


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