Kaal Sarpa Yoga – No need to worry..!!

(Courtesy from KP Ezine) Generally KSY is formed when all planets are between Rahu and Ketu. (Ernst Wilhelm: Core Yogas, pages 125-132). It does not need to worry about KSY because of the following reasons: 1) First of all, such Yogas are not generally considered in the KP practice. But a “Kalsarpa Yoga & K.P.” article was published in the K.P. & Astrology Year Book 2002, pages 35-37, without the name of author, mentioning the need of doing exhaustive research work on this yoga. It is said there that whenever such a yoga is present in a horoscope it is assumed that the concerned person is to die early and can survive only if other planetary influences are strong enough. Even if he survives he is to face various strives, suffering, misunderstanding and failure in his life. Rahu is supposed to destroy the matters of the house by his sub lordship. For instance, if Rahu is the cuspal sub lord of 4th house, person cannot have peace and comfort. . . Vehicles, own hous...